Exercises 5 - Markdown

Files corresponding to Short Course: Introduction to Data Science Using R

Exercises 5 - Markdown

We’ll be continuing from a previous exercise. The code we’ll need is below.

# packages
# data intake
data("BabyNames", package = "dcData")

BabyNamesSupp <- read_csv("https://github.com/jbpost2/Basics-of-R-for-Data-Science-and-Statistics/raw/master/datasets/BabyNamesSupp.csv")

5.1 Update the yaml Header

Create a new .Rmd file (using File –> New File –> R Markdown then choose HTML as the output type).

  1. “Knit” the document to render the initial HTML document. This will require you to save the .Rmd file.

  2. Update yaml header as necessary to include an informative title, author name, & relevant date.

    • “Knit” to verify the update
    • In general, Knit very often as you get the hang of the new tools!

5.2 Writing some Markdown!

After the YAML header and after the first R code chunk, replace the text with the following (which includes a header and a list):

Investigating Names

We’ll be investigating the popularity of names in the US each year. The names of interest are:

Knit this document to see the changes!

5.3 Write Some Code Chunks!

  1. In the first code chunk (pre-made in the document), read in the tidyverse and dcData packages using two library() function calls.

  2. Create a 2nd R code chunk below the text from 5.2 and place the code that reads in the two names data sets (given above).

  3. Delete the rest of the pre-made text and code below and knit the document.