Exercises 6 - Last Functions Solutions

Files Corresponding to Short Course Programming in R

Exercises 6 - Last Functions Solutions

  1. Write your own infix function that can be used in place of the cbind() (or column bind) function. Feel free to call the cbind function in your function :)

    `%col%` <- function(df1, df2) {cbind(df1, df2)}
  2. Check that the function works on the two data frames below (df1 & df2) and then all three objects (df1, df2, vec1)!

    df1 <- data.frame(unif = runif(10), norm = rnorm(10))
    df2 <- data.frame(gamma = rgamma(10, shape = 1), beta = rbeta(10, shape1 = 5, shape2 = 1))
    vec1 <- rnorm(10, mean = 10)
    df1 %col% df2
    ##          unif       norm      gamma      beta
    ## 1  0.26550866 -0.8204684 0.46873190 0.6981448
    ## 2  0.37212390  0.4874291 0.06819735 0.9073484
    ## 3  0.57285336  0.7383247 1.24929214 0.9812697
    ## 4  0.90820779  0.5757814 1.00813135 0.8092792
    ## 5  0.20168193 -0.3053884 1.36094498 0.9031133
    ## 6  0.89838968  1.5117812 1.20598818 0.8210630
    ## 7  0.94467527  0.3898432 0.55411539 0.7195054
    ## 8  0.66079779 -0.6212406 1.20700260 0.7262717
    ## 9  0.62911404 -2.2146999 1.56247866 0.8197674
    ## 10 0.06178627  1.1249309 0.13077616 0.9695648
    df1 %col% df2 %col% vec1
    ##          unif       norm      gamma      beta       df2
    ## 1  0.26550866 -0.8204684 0.46873190 0.6981448 10.763176
    ## 2  0.37212390  0.4874291 0.06819735 0.9073484  9.835476
    ## 3  0.57285336  0.7383247 1.24929214 0.9812697  9.746638
    ## 4  0.90820779  0.5757814 1.00813135 0.8092792 10.696963
    ## 5  0.20168193 -0.3053884 1.36094498 0.9031133 10.556663
    ## 6  0.89838968  1.5117812 1.20598818 0.8210630  9.311244
    ## 7  0.94467527  0.3898432 0.55411539 0.7195054  9.292505
    ## 8  0.66079779 -0.6212406 1.20700260 0.7262717 10.364582
    ## 9  0.62911404 -2.2146999 1.56247866 0.8197674 10.768533
    ## 10 0.06178627  1.1249309 0.13077616 0.9695648  9.887654