Introductory Data Science Course Project: Retrieving Data from an API and Conducting an EDA

Justin Post 1

1 Department of Statistics, NC State University

Purpose & Goals

Creating meaningful projects in a data science course can be a time consuming task! With the given example project instructions students:

  • must conceptualize how R data is stored and how to manipulate it into a useful form
  • must be able to write custom R functions meant for another user
  • may seek out and find a data source meaningful to them
  • are forced to think about the type(s) of data they are downloading and how they can be summarized to meet the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) requirements
  • use good programming practices in a larger project setting
  • communicate their code and results
  • (advanced version) create a website to show off their work through RMarkdown and github pages

Project Requirements

  • R & RStudio

  • RMarkdown to easily create an HTML document with code & output embedded
  • dplyr (or Base R) for common data manipulation tasks
  • ggplot2 (or Base R) for summarizing the data

  • Ability to write custom R functions

  • Github (optional) - for easy creation of a web site to share their work
  • Basic lesson on APIs and handling JSON data

Application Program Interfaces (APIs)

API - think of as a protocol for passing information between computers

  • Build URLs to request specific data:*
  • httr::GET() for contacting the API via the URL
  • Process content element using rawToChar()
  • Use jsonlite::fromJSON() to turn results into lists!:
    • httr::GET(URL)$content %>% rawToChar() %>% jsonlite::fromJSON()

Project Instructions

Create a vignette (long form description of how a problem was solved) that provides a narrative for using custom functions to contact an API, parse, and return well-structured data. They then use those functions to obtain data from the API and do some exploratory data analysis.

  • Vignette written in R Markdown
  • Functions return well-formatted data frames. Requirement:
    • Query at least five different end points
    • Not the entire API!
  • EDA conducted on resulting data. Requirements:
    • Contingency tables
    • Summary statistics (means, sds, etc.) at levels of categorical variables
    • Bar plot, histogram, box plot, and scatter plot
  • Narrative through document explaining process and results
  • (Optional) Upload to github and use GitHub pages to render a web page


Material below available at (or use the QR code)

Allow students to show off their R skills and communication ability while investigating data that is meaningful to them!