Exercises to Accompany TeachingWithR Workshop

Exercises to Accompany TeachingWithR Workshop

Matthew Beckman & Justin Post June 25, 2021

Here, we join an analysis already in progress…

Part 2. Import Data (Code Recap)

## from instructions before workshop, if needed:
# devtools::install_github("mdbeckman/dcData")

# packages

# data intake
data("BabyNames", package = "dcData")

BabyNamesSupp <- 

# 2020 data intake was issued as a challenge task only
BabyNames2020 <-   
             col_names = FALSE)

# inspecting the data

Part 3. R Markdown

Note: you might hang onto the RStudio default text provided in the new R Markdown file for the moment… it’s packed with tiny examples that will come in handy!

3.1 Goal

We’ll be investigating the popularity of names in the US each year. Choose a few (4-5) names to investigate to you–friends, family, TV character, colleagues in the workshop!

3.2 Update yaml Header

title: "Add a title"
author: "Add your name"
date: "Pick a date"
output: html_document

3.3 Add Narrative & Code Chunk

3.4 Render Various Output Formats

R Markdown is a flexible syntax that can render the same .Rmd (text) file in different formats. If you know the syntax, you can update the output: directly in the yaml header. RStudio provides a shortcut as a (tiny) menu arrow next to the “Knit (yarn)” icon revealing a few common choices.

Part 4. Data wrangling

[coming up next…]