What’s in a Name?? (Part 4 Exercises)

What’s in a Name?? (Part 4 Exercises)

Matthew Beckman & Justin Post June 25, 2021

Here, we join an analysis already in progress…

Names to be investigated

We’re investigating the popularity of names in the US each year. Matt has chosen to investigate the names of each person in his immediate family: Matthew, Sarah, Eden, Jack, and Hazel. They’re his favorite people, and also his favorite names! He’s feeling torn about how to include his son Jack in the analysis. Jack’s legal name is “Jon” but he is nearly always called “Jack”–the spelling of “Jon” honors Scandinavian heritage on both sides of the family, and the nickname “Jack” specifically honors his great-grandfather.

Some famous persons by each name of the family include:

This document was last modified 2021-06-25 12:27:11.

Part 4. Data wrangling

4.1 Combine our Data Sets with dplyr::bind_rows( )

BabyNames2020 <- 
           col_names = FALSE, col_types = cols(X2 = col_character()))

4.2 Data Wrangling and Summaries

Part 5. Graph it

[coming up next…]